Worthing Road, Southwater, RH13 9JB
For Sale
Best and final bids for the freehold interest are invited by 5pm on Friday 16th August and any bid would be expected to include the following information:-
1. Details of purchaser / purchasing entity
2. Your offer in pounds sterling
3. Proof of funds and/or funding arrangements
4. All conditions attached to your offer
5. Proposed timescales to put you in a position to exchange unconditionally
6. Details of solicitors acting on the your / the purchaser’s behalf
N.B The vendor is not obliged to accept the highest offer, nor indeed any offer made in respect of the property.
If you would like to make a bid, please send the above information to Jonathan Mack via email - jm@crickmay.co.uk
Southwater is a large village situated off the A24, approximately 1 mile from Horsham town centre. The property is located just off Worthing Road, Southwater at the entrance to Southwater Business Park, which includes occupiers such as Bowers & Wilkins and Sony. The property is also nearby to central village facilities, along with Lintot Square providing a Co-operative store, public house and a wealth of individual shops, restaurants and other community facilities to include a medical centre and the Parish Council offices.
The property comprises a modern two-storey self-contained, detached office building, set within a landscaped plot with a large car parking area with a double gated entrance. Spacious and open plan accommodation is provided over ground and first floor levels.
The accommodation is well specified to include modern electric heating, suspended ceilings with inset LED lighting, perimeter trunking, intercom entry system, fire alarm, security alarm, CCTV system, kitchen facilities on both floors, accessible ramped access to the ground floor and a large unisex WC and shower, male and female WC's and a large accessible WC.
The accommodation comprises the following approximate net internal floor areas:
Description | sq ft | sq m |
Entrance Lobby | 34 | 3.16 |
Ground Floor Offices/Conference Area | 2,704 | 251.21 |
First Floor Offices | 2,349 | 218.23 |
Total | 5,087 | 472.60 |
The property is available by way of a sale of the freehold interest with the benefit of vacant possession.
Unconditional offers are invited in the region of £1,100,000 with consideration also being given to increased conditional offers.
The current permitted use of the building is for Class D1 on the ground floor and Class B1 on the first floor as permitted in planning application DC/15/1091. The amended hours of restriction permitted under planning application DC/16/1952 are as follows:-
The premises shall not be open or in use except between the hours of 0700 and 2300 Monday - Saturday, including on Sundays or Bank Holidays.
Each party to be responsible for their own legal costs. The building has not been elected for VAT.
Offers in the region of £1,100,000
The premises are presently understood to be exempt and would need to be re-rated.
This property has been graded as B (41)