Stane Street, Pulborough, RH20 1DN
To Let / For Sale
The site is situated to the north-east of Pulborough, accessed off the main A29 (Stane Street,) providing easy access to Billingshurst which is approximately 5 miles to the north-east, Petworth 6 miles to the west and Arundel 10 miles to the south.
A prominent site which fronts the A29 (Stane Street) and is currently occupied by the Toat Cafe and a hand car wash.
The site comprises the following approximate gross external area, equating to approximately 6.5 acres (2.63 hectares):
Description | sq ft | sq m |
Total approximate area | 283,140 | 26,304.57 |
The site has been allocated for commercial development as part of the emerging Pulborough Neighbourhood Plan (NHP) for the following use classes; B2, B8, C1, E, F1, F2 and motor sales showrooms and leisure parkland.
Our clients are seeking initial expressions of interest on a freehold or leasehold basis, conditional on planning being granted, for part or all of the site in order to further shape a draft masterplan.
VAT may be applicable to any offer made for the site.
Each party is to be responsible for their own legal costs.
Upon enquiry